Technique mixte
120 x 120 cm
Michele Lysek
Art is life, remixed and without rules. When my inner self pops out to meet the outer world, everything is possible and fluffy dreams get a steady shape. I’m experiencing harmony in contrasts. Ingredients come from everywhere and blend with joy and boldness, awareness and absurdity; thoughts convert to silent music guiding my hands. When I write something I close my eyes.
I like to think of myself as a mill. The mill takes the power from the wind or the water, transforming the material, delivering the new, liberating the essence of something already existing. My work reflects the organic energy bounding and surrounding us. I’m just passing it on.
I mainly work with acrylic and spray paint, markers, pastels, charcoal and pencils. I favor the use of different spatulas made of rubber or steel (some of them DIY), brushes, self-made stencils, tapes, cords and a bit of everything that comes to my fingertips.
I’m a self-taught contemporary artist born in Ticino. After studying and working for several years in Paris, I’m now living and working in Villeneuve, next to Montreux in Switzerland.
CHF 52.00 / mois
CHF 2’500.00
Technique mixte
120 x 120 cm
Oeuvres du même artiste
Passage de la Couronne 4, 1110 Morges / +41 21 802 67 67 /
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