Annick Goeke

Hi, I’m Annick. I started with a Swiss Maturity in Visual Art followed by the Superior School of Art and Design, the HEAD* in Fashion Design, in Geneva (Switzerland). Then I switched my studies to do a M.Sc in Psychology (at UNIGE) and worked since 1998 as a therapist, using mainly Energy therapies.

Drawing has always been a passion during my childhood and I left it aside for different priorities (work and children). A couple of years ago I resumed drawing to accompany my daughter’s identical passion. I realised how much it brought to me to reconnect with my artistic side.

As a full time artist I now approach the human being from a different perspective, playing  with the colors, the movement, the light and the double meaning in words to work around his particular complexity.

Toy Soldiers

CHF 104.00 / mois

CHF 4’990.00

Peinture à l’huile

format 120 x 100 cm

Toy Soldiers

CHF 104.00 / mois

CHF 4’990.00

Peinture à l’huile

format 120 x 100 cm

Oeuvres du même artiste


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